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Mojito ingredientes naturales Heladería Albacete

Mojitón is a homemade mojito made with natural products. which makes sure the quality of process and the traceability of used ingredients.

An unique type of packaging. Our mojito is launched in a 3 or 10 litres bag in box. Vacuum packing and tap dispenser.

QUALITY: we have the Certification label ISO 9001, that guarantee you the trace and high quality of the product.
ALCOHOL CONTENT: Facing the 14’9% VOL current cocktail, we have made a 8’7 VOL drink in order to expand the company’s area of business to female market, one of our best supporters of the product. We also commercialise an alcohol-free mojitón.
FAST SERVICE: It doesn’t need preparation, just ice and decoration.
CLEANNESS: Vacuum packing avoids the environmental pollution, which guarantees that last service has the same flavour and quality than the first.
EXPIRY DATE: We guarantee unalterable stability and quality during a period of 18 months.
IMMEDIATE PROFITABILITY // YIELD RATE: We market it in a format that leaves us to low the prices in each drink sold by our clients, basically hotel industry, catering and event companies, franchises, etc.
FLEXIBILITY: You needn’t any previous installation. They are containers easy to carry, unload and store, and no cold is needed in their conservation. The packaging has an attractive presentation for customers.


REGION: Albacete
ADDRESS: Parque Empresarial
Campollano C/C nº 45, nave 2,
02007 Albacete
CONTAINERS: 10 or 3 litres
bag in box
REGION: Albacete
ADDRESS: Parque Empresarial
Campollano C/C nº 45, nave 2,
02007 Albacete
CONTAINERS: 10 or 3 litres
bag in box

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Helados Rueda ha sido beneficiaria del Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional cuyo objetivo es mejorar la competitividad de las Pymes y gracias al cual ha puesto en marcha un Plan de Marketing Digital Internacional con el objetivo de mejorar su posicionamiento online en mercados exteriores durante el año 2017. Para ello ha contado con el apoyo del Programa XPANDE DIGITAL del Consejo Regional de Cámaras en representación de la Cámara de Comercio de Albacete.
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